In-home (Monmouth & Ocean County, NJ) and virtual breastfeeding support from a RN, IBCLC

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Breastfeeding support in the comfort of your home


Supporting you in reaching your breastfeeding goals, while providing the tools to help you continue your nursing and/or pumping journey for as long as both you and baby desire.

Meet Stacey

Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Stacey - your RN, IBCLC. Helping moms and babies learn the skill of breastfeeding is not only my career, its my passion! As a former postpartum nurse and IBCLC with hospital based experience, I have the skills and experience to support you through all phases of your lactation journey. From prenatal breastfeeding education, to home visits, pumping / bottle feeding support, weaning and more - I’ve got you covered!


Services Offered

I can help you with anything from breastfeeding education to troubleshooting latch and positioning, as well as introducing a bottle, pumping basics and more! If it has to do with breastmilk and feeding your baby…I can help!

“Stacey was my saving grace in the first few weeks (and even months) postpartum. I had a lot of anxiety and self doubt when it came to nursing and there were many times I wanted to give up. Stacey’s ongoing support and encouragement coupled with her vast knowledge kept me going! I’ve been nursing my daughter for almost 21 months and it’s been the most amazing and rewarding journey with much thanks to Stacey!”

— Lauren S. —